Here we list together a few of the commands most commonly useful
when manipulating the Muq path hierarchy. They correspond
loosely to Unix shell commands such as ls
and so forth.
root: makeIndex --> .etc.myApp root:
root: t --> .etc.myApp.allowFoozling root: nil --> .etc.myApp.allowMarfling root:
root: .etc.myApp ls :allowMarfling nil :allowFoozling t root:
root: t --> .etc.myApp$hidden.dominateWorld root: nil --> .etc.myApp$hidden.useDos root:
root: .etc.myApp lsh :useDos nil :dominateWorld t root:
root: .etc.myApp lss :dbname "ROOTDB" :isA #<MosClass Object 209fa15> :myclass "obj" :owner #<Root root 2c015> :name "_" root:
root: ".etc.myApp" --> .etc.myApp$ root: .etc.myApp lss :dbname "ROOTDB" :isA #<MosClass Object 209fa15> :myclass "obj" :owner #<Root root 2c015> :name ".etc.myApp" root:
root: t --> .etc.myApp$admins.thisIsJunk root: nil --> .etc.myApp$admins.saveThis root: .etc.myApp lsa :saveThis nil :thisIsJunk t root:
root: .etc.myApp lsa :saveThis nil :thisIsJunk t root: delete: .etc.myApp$admins.thisIsJunk root: .etc.myApp lsa :saveThis nil root:
root: .etc.myApp ls :allowMarfling nil :allowFoozling t root: delete: .etc.myApp.allowMarfling root: .etc.myApp ls :allowFoozling t root:
root: .etc.myApp lsh :useDos nil :dominateWorld t root: delete: .etc.myApp$hidden.useDos root: .etc.myApp lsh :dominateWorld t root:
root: .etc ls :rc2D #<Object .etc.rc2D b9e015> :server-signature 2984392281243 :bad #<thunk BAD> :jb0 #<Job jb0 33115> :doz #<JobQueue doz 17ea1e15> :usr #<UserQueue usr 2929ed15> :rc2 'muf:rc2 :myApp #<Object .etc.myApp 4d1dd15> root: delete: .etc.myApp root: .etc ls :rc2D #<Object .etc.rc2D b9e015> :server-signature 2984392281243 :bad #<thunk BAD> :jb0 #<Job jb0 33115> :doz #<JobQueue doz 17ea1e15> :usr #<UserQueue usr 2929ed15> :rc2 'muf:rc2 root:
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