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The .etc directory is intended to contain random system-related stuff, much like the unix .etc directory.

.etc ls
:rc2D   #<Object .etc.rc2D b9e015>
:serverSignature        2984392281243
:bad    #<thunk BAD>
:jb0    #<Job jb0 33115>
:doz    #<JobQueue doz 17ea1e15>
:usr    #<UserQueue usr 2929ed15>
:rc2    'muf:rc2


.etc.rc2  Program used to start up internal daemons in daemon mode.
.etc.rc2D Daemons to start up in daemon mode. (Compare unix /etc/rc2.d)
.etc.usr  Queue of all users with running jobs.
.etc.doz  Job queue for sleeping jobs.

.etc.jb0 is an internal hack to avoid lots of special-case code by ensuring that there is alway a valid "current job" while the server is running, and hence an "acting user," "current object" and so forth. Lots of server code expects this for bookkeeping purposes and such.

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