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Function: |classifyLispToken { [chars] -> [ints] typ }
file: job.t
package: muf
status: alpha

The |classifyLispToken function is intended to be called when |scanLispToken returns lisp:stateSymbol. It accepts a block of characters (normally obtained via |readTokenChars and returns a block of integers together with the typ value, which will be one of:

The token consists of a single dot.
Thetoken has the syntax of a lisp potential number.
Neither of the above: The token is presumably a vanilla lisp symbol. In this case, in the return block quote characters (such as '|' and '\') have been removed, case conversion has been done as requested by @$S.readtable$S.readtableCase, and any quoted characters have bit 0x1000 set on them: Converting the integer block back to characters via |intChar will strip these bits.

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