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Elementary Muf Cheatsheet

Here is a quick-reference card of essential MUF syntax and operators:

Strings:             "Hello, world!\n"
Characters:          ' '  'H'  '\n'
Comments:            ( Very good. )
Integers, floats:    1 1.0 2.3e4 0.1e-4
Stack functions:     pop swap rot dup
Printing something:  ,
Arithmetic ops:      + - * div mod logand logior logxor ash gcd lcm frandom
Trancendental fns:   exp expt log log10 sqrt abs ffloor fceiling
Trigonometric fns:   acos asin atan atan2 cos sin tan cosh sinh tanh
String functions:    join stringUpcase stringDowncase stringMixedcase substring ]print
Defining functions:  : fnName (function-body) ;
Loops:               for i from  0 upto  19 do{ ... }
                     for i from 19 downto 0 do{ ... }
Global variables:    expression --> variable-name
Local variables:     expression  -> variable-name
Comparison tests:    = != < <= > >=
Boolean functions:   not and or
Conditionals:        (test) if (expression) else (expression) fi
Block functions:     [ (stuff) |   seq[ |mix |sort |pop |push ]pop
                     words[ ]words chopString[ ]glueStrings
                     |for key do{ (stuff) }   |for key val do{ (stuff) }
Indices:             makeIndex   1 --> obj.a   1 --> obj[i]
                     obj foreach key val do{ (stuff) }
Packages:            "name" inPackage   pkg:x   pkg::x   lf lv

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