In the end, I didn't wind up finding much in Forth that seemed to apply to Muq: The general programming model is realy too low-level, and the latest innovations that interested me had been adapted from Lisp, in which cases it seemed to make more sense to go directly to the source.
However, just for the record, the current best reference on Forth appears to be:
Forth: The Now Model; A Programmer's Handbook, by Jack Woehr. M&T Publishing 1992, ISBN 1-55851-277-2
As the cover blurb proudly notes: "Covers the proposed American National Standard for Forth". The standard includes many optional extentions, however, most of which are not covered.
Forth's great strength is it's ability to provide a nice programming environments on tiny hardware configurations; In an era of gigabyte SIMMs (yes, they're available now), this attracts mostly a niche market of hardware hackers building sonobuoys and such, with a Z-80 (or whatever) chip tucked in. On larger systems, Lisp really offers everything Forth does, and a lot more.
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