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Function: |gep do{ [] key deflt -> [] val }
file: job.t
package: muf
status: alpha

|gep is exactly the same as |ged except that the key/val pair matched, if any, is also popped from the block, instead of being left there.

[   :a 1   :b 2   :c 3   |
Stack: [ :a 1 :b 2 :c 3 |
:a 13 |get
Stack: [ :b 2 :c 3 | 1
pop :d 13 |ged
Stack: [ :a 1 :b 2 :c 3 | 13

|gep makes it easier to check for unused arguments: If the block is not empty after extracting all expected arguments, an unsupported argument is present.

See section |ged. See section |get. See section |dup. See section |dupNth.

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