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Muf Classes Overview

Muq is a vaguely micro-kernel design in that the intention is to provide just efficiency- and security-critical functionality in the server, in as policy-neutral a fashion as practical, while confining most of the "interesting" code to in-db code written in the application language(s).

However, Muq is also intended to be a reasonably secure, stable and reliable server: even root should not be able to coredump the server by fiddling with the db, ideally, and certainly no normal user should be able to do so.

My approach to ensuring this has been to code up the basic multi-user, multi-tasking functionality inserver, and really not let in-db hackers get their fingers very far into it. Most of the following classes are essential, in one fashion or another, to implementing this basic security kernel. My hope is that most application-specific functionality can be coded up in-db without much further addition to the kernel, although some applications -- such as 3-D graphics -- would clearly require additional C-coded functionality in order to achieve acceptable performance.

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