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Function: |secureDigest { [chars-or-ints] -> [same-plus-checkbytes] arg }
file: job.t
package: muf
status: alpha

This function is based on the Secure Hash Function (SHA-1), as specified by international standard FIPS PUB 180-1: It mixes the information in the given block together to produce a twenty-byte signature, which is then appended to the block:

[ 'a' 'b' 'c' |
Stack: [ 'a' 'b' 'c' |
Stack: [ 'a' 'b' 'c' '\251' '\231' '>' '6' 'G' '\006' '\201' 'j' '\272' '>' '%' 'q' 'x' 'P' '\302' 'l' '\234' '\320' '\330' '\235' |

One use is to append the signature to the block before transmitting it over an unreliable medium, and then to verify it at the other end: If any bytes have become accidentally garbled, it is extremely unlikely the signature will still match.

Another use is in authentication: If Alice and Bob share a secret string, and Alice sends Bob message + secureHash( message + secret ), Bob can verify (with very high probability) that whoever sent the message must have known the secret, hence is probably Alice.

See section hash. See section |signedDigest. See section |signedDigestCheck. See section |secureHash. See section |secureHashCheck. See section secureHash. See section secureHashBinary. See section secureHashFixnum.

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