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Function: readNextMufToken { stg beg -> end beg typ }
file: job.t
package: muf
status: alpha

This function is C-coded support for the 00-muf.muf muf compiler: Token scanning is sufficiently fine-grained that it seems a worthwhile efficiency win to put this inserver.

'stg' must be a stg instance.
'beg' is the integer offset to begin scanning.
'beg' is integer offset of first char in token.
'end' is integer offset of last char in token.
'typ' is the type of token found:

"afn": quote-colon token (':).
"qfn": quoted function name ('abc).
"flt": floating-point numbr (1.2).
"dbl": double-precision floating-point numbr (1.2d).
"int": integer (12).
"stg": double-quoted string ("abc").
"chr": single-quoted string ('a').
"id" : generic identifier (abc).
0    : nothing but whitespace found.

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