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Function: rootReplaceDb { [db] -> [] }
file: job.t
package: muf
status: alpha

This function replaces the contents of the given db with those taken from the corresponding host .db file.

The result is similar to that obtainable by doing a rootRemoveDb followed immediately by a matching rootImportDb, except that doing a rootReplaceDb instead will usually leave intact pointers from outside the db into it, whereas the former sequence is guaranteed to set all such pointers to nil.

[ .db["mydb"] | rootReplaceDb ]pop

The rootReplaceDb may be used to either upgrade or roll back ("downgrade"?) a db: It doesn't care which.

The replacement .db file must currently have (in the case of the above example) one of the names


A future version of this function will probably allow specification of an arbitrary host filename (if not pathname) for the .db file.

See section rootRemoveDb. See section rootImportDb.

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