It is traditional Forth programming practice to include at the start of each function a comment giving the number of arguments it accepts and returns. (This sort of documentation is a good habit in any language.)
Muq MUF continues this tradition, but extends it by making the declarations in a syntax understandable to the muf compiler, as do most modern languages other than Forth:
Stack: : x { $ $ -> $ } * ; Stack: 2 3 x Stack: 6
The arity declaration is enclosed in curly braces and contains one '$' for each input parameter, followed by an arrow, followed by one dot for each value returned.
Muq distinguishes single arguments from blocks of arguments:
Stack: : |double { [] -> [] } |for i do{ i 2 * -> i } ; Stack: 5 seq[ Stack: [ 0 1 2 3 4 | |double Stack: [ 0 2 4 6 8 |
The arity declaration contains one []
for each block
read, and one for each block returned. Block arguments must
in each case precede nonblock arguments.
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