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Control-struct: queueJob { job jobQueue -> }
file: job.t
package: muf
status: tentative

The queueJob operator removes job from whatever job-queues it is currently in, and then inserts it into jobQueue. Moving a job into some arbitrary jobQueue is one way to stop it from running. (It may get woken by signals, however.) Moving it into a "run" jobQueue (for example, me$s.runQueue1) is a way to start it running again.

(Note: Since there are actually multiple run-queues for each user, and a job should always go in the queue matching its priority, the queueJob operator silently puts the job in the right jobQueue, even if it is not the one specified.)

makeJobQueue --> q
copyJob dup if --> j j q queueJob else pop 2000 sleepJob nil endJob fi
j me$s.runQueue0 queueJob

Here, the copyJob line leaves job j in suspended animation in jobQueue q, and the next line releases it and lets it run to completion. You can use the printJobs (pj) command to observe jobstate.

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