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There are two distinct approaches and motivations here:
Java is a well-known, decently designed language in the classic strongly
typed tradition, and would on that basis be a plausible addition to the
Muq stable of syntaxes supported, although fitting it into Muq's more
high-level and free-wheeling programming model might take a little
work. Following this line of thought would suggest developing a
conventional compiler which accepts ASCII source code.
Java is a well-defined virtual machine for which billions of dollars
worth of software development have been done: It would be nice
to take advantage of this body of code in the Muq context.
Following this line of thought
might suggest developing a Muq compiler which accepts as input compiled
Java class files.
I'm not likely to get excited enough about these projects to do them
any time in the forseeable future: For now, I'd rather concentrate
building up Muq's distinctive strengths with respect to Java, than
on improving Muq as a clone of the Java virtual machine, which is
the direction this project will inevitably drag its implementor.
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