Yeah, but GUIs aren't as convenient when one lives in emacs!
For an even quicker path to first release, the parser could be
written as an external C program invoked via ]rootPopenSocket
with suitable MUF wrappers to hide it from the softcoder. This
observation applies to all the other compilers discussed, of course.
We need to get beyond that sort of primitive programming style to produce programs which keep at least limping along even in the face of unexpected situations that keep them from running smoothly. By progressively eliminating all the Boolean black-and-white cartoon-mentality aspects of our programming in favor of gray-scale -- or technicolor! -- approaches. Bloom Filters are one very simple example of moving from black-and-white to gray-scale programming.
This all turns out to tie nicely into procedurally defined graphics worlds, since they require fierce combinatorial code productivity, and implicit invocation is even better than the compact explicit invocation of J or Haskell. Alas, this footnote is too small to contain to contain the full proof! grin