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Loop Stacks Overview

Each time a MUF function F calls another function G, Muq must somehow remember remember where it was in F, so as to be able to pick up where it left off after G returns.

In the distant early days of computing, this was done simply by saving a pointer to the appropriate instruction inside of function F itself. This turned out to be a fairly uncool idea, since it meant that F could not call itself repeatedly without completely losing track of where it was supposed to return to. In a multi-user system like Muq, in which many different users may wish to use F at the "same" time, things would be even worse!

Thus, nowadays almost every language uses a stack to hold these return addresses (and most computers now have special instructions for maintaining such stacks.) A code sequence like

: H 1 + ;
: G -> x   x H  x H  * ;
: F -> y   y G  2 * ;
13 F ,

is implemented by a series of loop stack operations which look like this:

Loop stack top ->  +------+     ( Loop stack is empty. )

Loop stack top ->  |   ,  |     ( Address of ',' saved while calling F )

Loop stack top ->  | F: 2 |     ( Address of '2' in F while calling G  )
                   |   ,  |

Loop stack top ->  | G: x |     ( Address of 'x' in G while calling H  )
                   | F: 2 |     ( Address of '2' in F while calling G  )
                   |   ,  |

Loop stack top ->  | F: 2 |     ( Back in G after 1st call to H )
                   |   ,  |

Loop stack top ->  | G: * |     ( Address of '*' in G while calling H  )
                   | F: 2 |     ( Address of '2' in F while calling G  )
                   |   ,  |

Loop stack top ->  | F: 2 |     ( Back in G after 2nd call to H )
                   |   ,  |

Loop stack top ->  |   ,  |     ( Back in F after call to G )

Loop stack top ->  +------+     ( Done, loop stack is again empty. )

We also need some place to keep the values of local variables within a function. It is natural and efficient to keep them on the loop stack as well. Adding them, plus a count of them plus a frame label results in a normal stackframe looking as follows.

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